Big Data and Computer-Human Interaction for Real-Time Illness Diagnosis


  • Sonam Goyal Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Rawal Institution, Faridabad, Haryana, India



healthcare, stream processing, human computer interaction, big data, apache spark, distributed machine learning, internet of things


One particularly significant technology for deterrence of many chronic diseases is the constant plus real time tracking system, which is made possible through IoT and human computer interaction. Big data streaming stays the enormous volume of data that wearable medical procedures with sensors, healthcare clouds as well as mobile applications constantly produce. The increased pace of data collecting makes it challenging to gather, process as well as analyses such massive data sets in actual time in order to respond quickly in an emergency situation and unearth the hidden value. To offer an effective and scalable solution, real-time large data stream processing is therefore significantly needed. This work suggests a novel architecture for a big data based real time health prestige prediction as well as analytics system to address this problem. The system focuses on using a disseminated ML model to analyze health data events that are streamed into Spark via Kafka topics. First, we replace Hadoop MapReduce with Spark to produce a parallel, distributed, scalable, and rapid decision tree algorithm, which develops constrained for the real time computation. Second, this model is utilized to stream data from various sources that deal with numerous diseases in order to forecast health status. It is used to forecast health status using streaming data commencing distributed sources that represent various disorders.


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How to Cite

Sonam Goyal. (2024). Big Data and Computer-Human Interaction for Real-Time Illness Diagnosis. Applied Science and Engineering Journal for Advanced Research, 3(1), 20–31.