Primary Sensor Detection for Primary Tradeoff Cognitive Radio Network
spectrum, sensor, clusterAbstract
Cognitive radio (CR) has been recently proposed as a promising technology to improve spectrum utilization by enabling secondary access to unused licensed bands. A prerequisite to this secondary access is having no interference to the primary system. This requirement makes spectrum sensing a key function in cognitive radio systems. Among common spectrum sensing techniques, energy detection is an engaging method due to its simplicity and efficiency.
The growing demand of wireless applications has put a lot of constraints on the usage of available radio spectrum which is limited and precious resource. Cognitive radio is a promising technology which provides a novel way to improve utilization efficiency of available electromagnetic spectrum. In this paper, a cluster-based optimal selective CSS scheme is proposed for reducing reporting time and bandwidth while maintaining a certain level of sensing performance. Clusters are organized based on the identification of primary signal to-noise ratio value, and the cluster head in each cluster is dynamically chosen according to the sensing data qualities of CR users.
The cluster sensing decision is made based on an optimal threshold for selective CSS which minimizes the probability of sensing error. A parallel reporting mechanism based on frequency division is proposed to considerably reduce the time for reporting decision to fusion center of clusters. In the fusion center, the optimal Chair-Vashney rule is utilized to obtain a high sensing performance based on the available cluster’s information.
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