Colacasia Plants Used Treat Waste Water from Homes


  • Prasenjit Sikdar Student, Department of Botany, Bethune College, West Bengal, India
  • Tanvi Gosh Student, Department of Botany, Bethune College, West Bengal, India
  • Sandeep Roy VisitingFaculty, Department of Botany, Bethune College, West Bengal, India



colacasia plants, waste water, homes, technique


One of the low-cost wastewater treatment options is Root Zone Technology. We can treat non-point sources effectively, with the help of this method. To achieve this purpose, trailed by the source area bed, we must distinct non-point bases into created channels inside the river bank, or if the non-point bases are natural nulls, we are able to deliver this system through their channel. We set up a channel on which I created a source area bed and conducted a laboratory examination the director's production on a variety the factors. The two parameters for which channels must be built are flow rate and detention time. As a result, I'm adjusting the flow rate to see how the parameter changes over time. When we obtain the best result with the most flow, we say we've optimized. For the three-day, seven-day, and twenty-one-day detention periods, I received satisfactory results. Using this information, I created a root zone bed system for the identified actual domestic sources.


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How to Cite

Prasenjit Sikdar, Tanvi Gosh, & Sandeep Roy. (2022). Colacasia Plants Used Treat Waste Water from Homes. Applied Science and Engineering Journal for Advanced Research, 1(1), 14–21.